
I created this website to share my expressions whether through photography, writing, film or music.  Recently, I made a deeper commitment to myself to be more creative and invest more time in my creative expressions.


I have held many different types of jobs, from running my own business to working as an employee in numerous fields. Much of my work and life experience has been related to how humans interact with nature. I recieved my Bachelors in Environmental Science in 1999, learning about the human impact on the planet, from studying GMO’s, data analysis, pollution, remote sensing, geology and many other facets of being human, I was made aware of todays environmental problems long before they became main stream topics of conversation, such as the global warming and plastic pollution crisis we see today.

I worked as environmental inspector, where I learned so much about the impact of building design, home pollution from mold and EMF’s, human sensitives to products within the home, and a whole host of other human health conditions stemming from poor building practices and human created health problems, long before the Bio-Hacking movement which looks to address some of these issues.

I worked for a vehicle accident reconstruction research firm as an engineer, where I got to see first hand how the car manufacturers and automobile industry worked, an industry I was not impressed by on many levels, from their impact on car design, new technology suppression to their ever impending influence on global warming, safety and global infrastructure.

I have been involved in Education in a number of different ways, from running my own company buying and selling textbooks, to running classes for Prisoners, to being a certified Mind Mapping Instructor. My life in education has been one of adaptation, as someone who was partially deaf as a young boy, I had to develop visual methods of learning in order to get through school. I used these techniques to receive my Masters in Environmental Law, a degree which taught me so much about the Law and it’s influence and use by Corporate entities within the fields of Agriculture, Water, Pollution, Trade, etc.

Combining this background in my working life with my struggles to recover from malaria, seizures and other health issues, I have a wide spectrum of life experience on what it means to be a human being and live on this planet.

I have also done the so called menial jobs, painting, woodworking, waiting tables, laboring, farming and general grunt work. I’ve lived and worked in numerous countries, emigrated multiple times between the US and UK, while also spending time in France, Australia, Europe, Canada, Japan, Kenya, Indonesia, and North America.

All of this life experience, much like anyone, has led me to want to express my understanding and appreciation for this life. Much of my creative outlet is often, in writing, a commentary of my own understanding on how we as humans interact with the planet and each other, while also sharing what I have learned or am learning.


As I delve deeper into expressing myself, something I hid from for many years, because I would often get singled out as being different, a treehugger. I hope my work becomes more educational, and allows me to interact with the world and others in a way that suits my character. Life is short, art is allowing me to get closer to who I really feel I am and how I wish to interact with life. I have never had one career, but I intend to put myself into my art as much as anything I have ever done. Will my Art be a ‘career’ who knows, if you would like to work with me, please contact me, I am open to ideas!
